Compared with other yoga styles I've taken, the awareness of one's body that comes with Iyengar Yoga is unparalleled. Gwi-Seok takes you from having only gross muscle control and awareness, to feeling the deeper, subtler layers of the body. Over time I found I was able to access, deepen, widen, and control areas of my body I never thought were possible."
- Lynn (Seoul, South Korea)

Every generation is blessed with a handful of geniuses. We in the 20th-21st centuries received the blessing of Shri BKS Iyengar's teachings (1918-2014). Guruji revolutionized the ancient practice of yoga to make a systematic, sophisticated, and accessible path for self-realization and liberation. Author of the seminal book, LIGHT ON YOGA, Iyengar Yoga is comprised of hundreds of Asanas (poses), dozens of Pranayamas (breath work), as well as the study of philosophy. It is a powerful healing and meditative art appropriate for all conditions. Guruji's students and family continue his legacy worldwide. Not a religion itself, yoga serves as a tool to enhance the practice of any chosen religious or spiritual path.
Iyengar Yoga is inclusive:
All ages, sizes, abilities, and physical conditions can be met through the careful use of yoga props (blankets, blocks, straps, chairs, bolsters, etc) and intelligent sequencing of Asanas. Beginners are brought along in a structured, sequential way, and advanced students can expect depth, challenge, and rigor. Expect to build strength, become more flexible, increase stamina, improve balance, and become more centered.
Iyengar Yoga is individualized:
Teachers spend years learning how to observe and correct students, so that each student receives maximum benefit safely. Modifications, adjustments, and refinements are always available.
Iyengar Yoga is holistic:
Rather than simply a physical work-out, Iyengar Yoga promotes clarity of mind and emotional balance as it teaches "meditation in action" (BKS Iyengar). Through the concrete use of the body, awareness and sensitivity grow, and we penetrate the deeper physiological, mental, emotional, and spiritual layers. Yoga philosophy is also taught in continuing level classes.
Iyengar Yoga is profound:
Learning never stops, even for the most seasoned practitioner. It takes a minimum of 3 years to become a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, preceded by years of Iyengar Yoga practice. Our teachers are the most highly trained teachers in the field, which ensures a safe learning environment and a comprehensive experience. In addition, all teachers, as life-long learners, no matter how advanced, engage in continuing education, to keep their teaching up-to-date and fresh.
Iyengar Yoga is inclusive:
All ages, sizes, abilities, and physical conditions can be met through the careful use of yoga props (blankets, blocks, straps, chairs, bolsters, etc) and intelligent sequencing of Asanas. Beginners are brought along in a structured, sequential way, and advanced students can expect depth, challenge, and rigor. Expect to build strength, become more flexible, increase stamina, improve balance, and become more centered.
Iyengar Yoga is individualized:
Teachers spend years learning how to observe and correct students, so that each student receives maximum benefit safely. Modifications, adjustments, and refinements are always available.
Iyengar Yoga is holistic:
Rather than simply a physical work-out, Iyengar Yoga promotes clarity of mind and emotional balance as it teaches "meditation in action" (BKS Iyengar). Through the concrete use of the body, awareness and sensitivity grow, and we penetrate the deeper physiological, mental, emotional, and spiritual layers. Yoga philosophy is also taught in continuing level classes.
Iyengar Yoga is profound:
Learning never stops, even for the most seasoned practitioner. It takes a minimum of 3 years to become a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, preceded by years of Iyengar Yoga practice. Our teachers are the most highly trained teachers in the field, which ensures a safe learning environment and a comprehensive experience. In addition, all teachers, as life-long learners, no matter how advanced, engage in continuing education, to keep their teaching up-to-date and fresh.